Accumulation of Points:
Teachers, Students and Studios will accumulate points in the following manner:
(Bronze, Silver, Gold & Above Dance events)
Pro/Am Bronze, Silver, Gold & Above categories
(Youth & discounted entries count at 1/2 value)
Single Dance callbacks will each receive 4 points in addition to placement.
(2 or 3 Open Multi-Dance events)
Open Ballroom, Smooth, Rhythm & Latin
(Youth & discounted entries count at 1/2 value)
2-3 MultiDance callbacks will each receive 5 points in addition to placement.
(4 or 5 Open Multi-Dance events)
Open Ballroom, Smooth, Rhythm & Latin
(Youth & discounted entries count at 1/2 value)
4-5 MultiDance callbacks will each receive 6 points in addition to placement.
Teachers & Studios
will be awarded Bonus Points based on the accumulation of entries as entered under the name of the teacher / studio.
(Youth & discounted entries count at 1/2 value)
- 1st Place - 20 points
- 2nd Place - 15 points
- 3rd Place - 10 points
- 4th Place - 8 points
- 5th Place - 6 points
- 6th Place - 4 points
- 7th Place - 2 points
- 8th Place - 2points
***Teachers & Studios: Registrars are not consistent with Studio names; please check the Top Studio category carefully and contact us at if errors or duplicates are found.
Award Redemptions:
- Top Teachers:1st - 6th place Top Teachers will receive One Package to any circuit event in the following year (Subject to availability & to the discretion of each event). Each event is only obligated to accept the first TWO packages - teachers, please notify the competition that you wish to use your voucher when registering for the event as early as possible to ensure you are one of the two packages accepted for the event. The competition has the right to refuse your voucher if two have already been accepted.
- Top Studio:Up to 7 nights Complimentary One-Bedroom Junior Suite during the duration of the Emerald Ball event. (organizer will contact for further details)
- Top Students:Top Students will receive $1,000 in vouchers (in increments of $100 each)for the following year's California Gold Rush. Winners may use only 2 vouchers ($200) per event in the next calendar year,except the Emerald Ball Dancesport Championships. (Top Student/Student will get $500 in vouchers)